Feelings of strength and fragility on stage 

by • October 4, 2024 • FeaturedArticle, NewsComments (2)1164

By John Owoo

(In Berlin – Germany)

The 2024 edition of Tantzplattform ended with an alluring performance of W.O.M.B, a piece that explored childbirth and the subsequent body changes experienced by women after successful deliveries. 

Performed by Julienne Doko, Meire Santos and Naa Ayeley (all based in Denmark), the trio set the Theater Haus in Berlin alight with movemnts that called for an introspective and physical exploration of the female body’s connection to cycles of existence.

Choreographed by Doko with Danish musician Gert Østerġard Pedersen playing live instruments, the dancers engaged in moves that alternated between moments of tension and release while evoking the process of creation birth and growth. 

With busts of three women hanging precariously on stage alongside three dressing mirrors, the dancers often clustered together yet each appeared individually recognisable. Indeed, the movements appear different and similar at the same time.

Doko employed use of the floor as well as slow and deliberate movements, which invited the audience to deeply contemplate each motion. Clearly, the dancers often connect with the ground, which further emphasized themes of fertility, earth and creation. 

W.O.M.B (Worth of My Body), does not shy away from stillness either – the choreographer employed the use of silence as moments of pause, which inevitably allowed both dancers and audience to reflect on the power and vulnerability of the female body. 

The piece further evoked feelings of strength and fragility – this enabled the audience confront the complexities of inhabiting a body – that is constantly changing, evolving and creating. It is not only a celebration of the female body, but an invitation to reflect on how bodies shape identities and experiences. 

An elaborate and evocative work that combines thoughtful choreography, poignant performance and striking visual elements, W.O.M.B. is a celebration of life, identity and the feminine power of creation. It is an unforgettable piece that resonates long after the performance ends.

The festival was sponsored by Hauptstadt Kultur Fonds and Theatre Haus Berlin with friendly support from HZT, Joliba, Berlin Mondiale and Tanz Fähig. Media partners include Berlin Art Link, Rausgegangen, Stadtkultur Berlin, Dinamix and www.artsghana.net

Pix – thabo thindi

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2 Responses to Feelings of strength and fragility on stage 

  1. Patrizia says:

    A very powerful performance!! 👏

  2. Anonymous says:

    Great piece

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